Unisex Men and Women Attack On Titan Survey Corps Green Bomber Jacket
Animated movie lovers are familiar with the Japanese animated series, Attack on Titan. This animated series revolves around the young Eren Yeager, looking to avenge the titans who killed his mother and crushed the entire town. The series has been a great hit among the audience due to its engaging storyline and exciting events. The dressing of the characters, especially the Attack On Titan Survey Corps Green Bomber Jacket, is stylish and impressive.
Eren Jaeger wore this Unisex Men and Women Attack On Titan Survey Corps Green Bomber Jacket. The outer side of this classy Survey Corps Attack On Titan Green Bomber Jacket is fabricated with premium quality Polyester Fleece. High-quality fleece is used to make it more comfortable and durable. The inner side of this coat is stitched with a smooth and soft viscose lining that makes you warm and comfy. The coat comes in mesmerizing green color. It has a rib-knitted collar—attack on titan season 3 coat two side waist pockets. The Eren Jaeger coat comes with rib-knitted cuffs on full-length sleeves. We have this coat in our collection. You can place your order. Please hurry up and buy this classy coat before we run out of stock.
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